Directive No. 79

January 11, 1968 is hereby revised.

Subject: Rules And Regulations - Citizens' Duty To Evacuate

Whenever the Governor, The State Director, Office of Emergency Management, County Emergency Management Coordinator, or Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall declare an emergency as defined in NJSA App. A:9-33, et seq, and whenever the aforementioned parties shall determine that it is in the interest of the health, welfare and safety of the public to evacuate an area, it shall be the duty and obligation of each individual within the disaster area as declared by the aforesaid parties to evacuate said area as directed in accordance with the plans and directions of Emergency Management personnel.

Any person who refuses to evacuate an area in accordance with the mandates of a legally declared emergency order may be charged with a violation of Appendix A:9-49, and removed from the area.
(VIOLATIONS) - Anyone who violates any provision of this act may be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000, or not more than six (6) months in jail or both.